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Sunday 13 November 2016

Winter Bucket List

   Like most 20-something year old, North American, middle class females – I love Fall. I love the changing colours of the leaves, and the sounds those same leaves make under your knee-high boots once fallen. I love playoff baseball. I love the freedom to wear an oversized sweatshirt, tights and wool socks, in public, as you proudly order a pumpkin spiced anything. I love making accidental eye contact with a fellow Fall lover and giving the “that’s a wonderful wool-knitted headband you’ve got there” head tilt, and having her reply with a silent “your flannel scarf is one that only dreams are made of” nod. 

   Like any good soldier of the Autumn Army, I know that this season kicks off, promptly, the Tuesday following Labour Day, despite what any calendar might suggest. It’s a glorious day when Fall kicks off, and a tragic one when it comes to an end. However, this year, I have decided to create a Winter Bucket List (similar to this Fall Bucket List I found on Pinterest) to help deliver myself from the despair of Fall ending, and give us some new activities to search out.

   I found, this year, that having a seasonal “Bucket List” to complete got us out and about even more than we usually would have. On a slow day (though, they didn’t seem to come around too often) we would use the list to search out a variety of local activities and events that would allow us to return home and check off an item or two.

    This Winter, as we collect memories and check off items on our list, I will be sure to snap a photo (or two, knowing me) and share them with you once our Bucket List is complete! I invite you to use this Winter Bucket List, or, create one of your own. Print it out, hang it up and enjoy making memories with your tribe! After all, ‘tis the Season! 

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